

Blocklancer is a so called Distributed Autonomous Job Market (DAJ) on the Ethereum platform, our vision of a completely self-regulatory platform for finding jobs and getting projects done. It will change the way freelancing works, both for customers and freelancers, and it will lift the reliability of freelancing to new heights.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Country: Austria
Token info
Ticker: LCN
Platform: Ethereum
Raised $ 300,000
Pre-sale Price : 1 ETH = 20,000 LNC
ICO Price: 1 ETH = 7,000 - 12,000 LNC
Accepting: ETH
Hard cap: 1,000,000,000 LNC
Q1/Q2 2017 - Concept Creation
The formalization of the initial idea.
Q2 2017 - Smart Contracts
The implementation of the smart contracts with Solidity.
Sep 2017 - Demo Version
Demo version is released before the pre-sale. Pre-sale contributors are able to explore Blocklancer before the pre-sale tokensale.
Tokens are sold during the pre-sale period with a bonus. The max cap was reached in less than 3 days.
Oct/Nov 2017 - Alpha Release
The alpha version of Blocklancer will be released. The smart contracts will be deployed in the Ethereum Testnet. The feedback from the users will be directly used for improving the platform.
Q4 17 / Q1 18 - ICO
The public tokensale goes online.
Q1 2018 - Beta Release
A stable version of the platform will be released in the Ethereum Testnet.
Q2 2018 - Blocklancer Release
After extensive testing of the Beta version the Blocklancer platform will be finally deployed in the Ethereum Mainnet.
Q3 2018 - Improvements of the Usability UX/UI
The usability of the platform will be improved step-by-step. A mobile version of Blocklancer will be released for iOS and Android.
Q3 2018 - Decentralize everything
The storage of the platform will be decentralized. We will work together on this problem with our partners from the Moreover we will work on solutions to decentralize the communication between freelancers and clients (Whisper protocol).
Q3 2018 - Extend Userbase / Marketing
We start a big marketing offensive to bring freelancers and clients on the platform.
Q4 2018 ongoing - Further Improvements / Stability & Support
The Blocklancer platform and the mobile apps will be further improved.
Screenshots taken on 2 Feb 2018
Michael Kaiser
CEO/CTO, co-founder
Participates in a number of projects
Sabrina Kaiser
COO, co-founder
Participates in a number of projects
Kevin Kaiser
CIO, co-founder
Participates in a number of projects
Christof Kurzemann
CFO, co-founder
Participates in a number of projects
Alexander Thellmann
Community Manager & Content Creator
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (3)

Christian Wirthensohn
Legal Advisor
Participates in a number of projects
Cordula Kreidl
International Strategies and Marketing
Participates in a number of projects
Chris Abdey
Client Retention and Customer Management
Participates in a number of projects
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ICO List
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