Over 80% of the world’s trade is moved by sea.
Marine Industry by its nature involves cross-border transactions with the involvement of conspicuous paperwork and bureaucracy together with the slowdown in international payments.
The blockchain introduces disruptive advancements: transparency, tractability, enhanced security and immutability.
The blockchain technology offer for the first time in history a shared ledger of information globally distributed and globally accessible that found its logic on strong security that cannot be violated also by the decision of multiple Governments together. This new technology can cut many of the middle-man that slow down the business processes, and serve as the ground of a new digital revolution. Trust in data is fundamental in a world more and more based on computers and data, data that is growing exponentially during the years.
Our solution will help achieve significant gains in efficiency and transparency.
Idea first inception;<br />
<br />
Reduce it to purely the essential information;<br />
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Technical analysis.
September 2018
Estoonian Company formation.
December 2018
Wallet Licence Acquisition;<br />
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ICO Website publication;<br />
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Smart Contract Token CARATI is public on the mainnet Private Sale Start;<br />
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Pre-sale and Airdrop start.
January 2019
ICO main Sale Start;<br />
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Pre-ICO 1st to 31st January.
February 2019
ICO Round 1;<br />
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1st February to 30th June 2019;<br />
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Caratichan Framework 1st publication.
May 2019
Start the implementation of the main modules.
July 2019
ICO Round 2 - 1st July to 31st August 2019.
September 2019
BlueQbitPLatform pilot program is integrated with identified goverment-mandated compliance, governance and customs;<br />
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ICO Round 3 - 1st September to 30th November.
December 2019
Roll-out of BlueQbit platform allowing carriers, partnersand goverment agencies to run their ow instance customdevelopment for the carriers and partners as per their requirment on top of BlueQbit platform,