Brewer's coin is a secure and transparent blockchain platform for independent breweries to generate sales and awareness.
To bring local breweries and consumers together, three entrepreneurs have developed a blockchain platform. The digital coin Brewer’s coin allows consumers worldwide to buy beers from local breweries on the platform.
On this platform you can compare beer, review it and ask feedback from your customers.
Developing the platform on the ethereum network, making it fast, transparent and safe to sell beer to customers
Enlist your Brewery - Mid 2018
Breweries register and thus become visible on the platform. The first 40 brewers who sign up will get 50.000 tokens, all for FREE!
Mid 2018 - Wallet release
Launch app for iOS & Android in which you can receive and manage Brewer’s coins
Initial Coin Offering - Mid 2018
Beer lovers from all over the world can become supporters by purchasing Brewer’s coins and thus buying beer via the platform
Late 2018 - Platform release
Brewery profiles become visible on the website and in the app, where customers can contact the breweries and rate beers
Voting system - Late 2018
Token holders can vote for new features on the platform. The number of tokens owned by a person is taken into account as a weighting
Early 2019 - Reviews
Through the blockchain it is clear from which address a beer has been bought from a brewer, that address can then use the wallet app to review the brewery where he bought this beer
Premium Token Holders - Early 2019
Based on the number of tokens a brewer has, advantages are granted on the platform, such as extra attention and higher search results
Mid 2019 - CPC Advertising
Tokens can be used to purchase extra attention on the platform by setting up a Coin Per Click (CPC) environment for this purpose