CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation are collaborating with a common vision to bring lasting change in the field of cannabis research, cultivation, processing and distribution. Our goal is to transform the entire cannabis cultivation process to make it as transparent and secure as possible.
CannaCor is a licensed producer of medical cannabis and cannabis by-products located in Lesotho, southern Africa. It is supported by a group of professional executives with extensive knowledge and understanding of the needs of the medical cannabis industry. Their economic activities are based on the recently approved production and export of cannabis and cannabis by-products which can be used for medicinal needs.
CannaCor has obtained 50 000 m2 of land in Berea, Lesotho, of which 30 000 m2 is permitted for greenhouse or indoor cultivation of cannabis. The remainder of the land will be used for further expansion as demand grows.
▶Research and brainstorm sessions initiated to establish most viable<br />
solution to cultivate medical cannabis<br />
▶ Current technologies researched to establish the CannaCor<br />
cryptocurrency<br />
▶ Various blockchain technologies researched to manage the medical<br />
cannabis cultivation life cycle and supply chain management systems<br />
▶ Strategic alliances formed with blockchain developers, cultivators<br />
and pioneers in the cannabis industry<br />
▶ Company incorporated in Lesotho, southern Africa, to operate the<br />
following business activities:<br />
- growing of drug and pharmaceutical crops<br />
- wholesale and/or retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods.
Q1 2019
▶ 50 000 m2 agricultural land acquired in Lesotho, southern Africa, for<br />
the cultivation of medical cannabis<br />
▶ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) curated and submitted<br />
▶ Licence application lodged with the Drug Control Authorities in<br />
Lesotho to obtain:<br />
- authorization for export and import of medical cannabis<br />
- authorization to produce medical cannabis products.
Q2 2019
▶ Blockchain developer and ICO marketing team appointed<br />
▶ Greenpaper development<br />
▶ Design of cannabis cultivation plant.
Q3 2019
▶ CannaCor medical cannabis cultivation licence approved<br />
▶ New website design / landing page<br />
▶ Wallets and user administration panel development<br />
▶ Greenpaper updated and new corporate identity incorporated<br />
▶ Pre-ICO round starts 11 September 2019 and ends 15 December 2019.
Q4 2019
▶ ICO launch 16 December 2019 and ends 31 March 2020<br />
▶ Design of cultivation plant, testing laboratory and packaging plant<br />
finalised<br />
▶ Construction of cultivation facility<br />
▶ Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric application development,<br />
incorporating QR code labelling, product traceability, drug<br />
authentication, production life cycle management and supply chain<br />
applications<br />
▶ New wallets and website release.
Q1 2020
▶ CannaCor application BETA testing<br />
▶ First cannabis crops planted<br />
▶ Application integration of production cycles.
Q2 2020
▶ First harvest, application integration of supply chain and first coin buy-back.