Captive is a reward token protocol for building, promoting, and engaging in augmented reality experiences. We are creating a new ecosystem of “engagement” marketing where companies, influencers, technology, and customers come together in a new and exciting way. Think of Pokemon Go but instead of collecting characters you are collecting reward tokens that you can redeem for prizes or currency.
App is live on App Store and Google Play Store.<br />
UI Design<br />
Backend Application Interface (API)<br />
Account Creation<br />
Map Module<br />
AR Camera Module
Q2 2019
Location-based AR Drops<br />
Marketplace Rewards<br />
Captive Wallet<br />
Support & FAQs
Q3 2019
User Profile<br />
Remote Push Notification<br />
Q4 2019
Social Drops<br />
Send friends augmented reality gifts and messages<br />
Social Logins
Q1 2020
Captive AR Wallet<br />
Send Captive tokens directly from the augmented reality view
Q2 2020
Shop directly from the Captive AR commerce platform
Q3 2020
Multiplayer augmented reality games
Q4 2020
Create your own augmented reality rooms and experiences
Q1 2021
Visit other users augmented reality rooms and experiences