ccFOUND is a portal where knowledge-gathering occurs most naturally, through QUESTIONS and ANSWERS. The website will be divided into thematic categories. All content will be automatically translated into many languages using machine learning tools. This will allow for quick globalization of our portal, which teaches and gives creative and profit-making opportunities. ccFOUND will also organize knowledge in a way nobody has done before, solving the problem of informational chaos and making it easier for people to find valuable information. The first leg of ccFOUND is cryptocurrencies. In this area, the upcoming boom in this market will increase the number of users more than tenfold. Then, we will focus on investing as a whole. Eventually, as ccFOUND will gradually decentralize, it will be up to the community which areas (i.e. medicine) the portal will focus on. ccFOUND is a knowledge exchange for enthusiasts, investors, traders, analysts, journalists, engineers, programmers and complete beginners.