Christ Coins

Christ Coins

Christ Coin is the first pre-mined Christian-based Cryptocurrency. It is used to financially reward people who read the Bible, post/view content and interact with the community on the Life Change Platform. The rewards may then be used to supplement personal income, invested for potential future gains, tithed to churches, or used to support global missions and humanitarian efforts.

We welcome everyone regardless of religious beliefs to interact and earn Christ Coins on the Life Change Platform. We intend to become the decentralized global hub for people wanting to impact the world in a positive and Christ-like manner.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Country: USA
Token info
Ticker: CCLC
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Raised $ 7,414
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 375,000,000 CCLC
Hard cap: 450,000,000 CCLC
Q4, 2017
Launch Platform w/ Google Ad Sense Go to Exchange/Trading<br /> <br /> Socials, Mission Planning, Church<br /> <br /> Planting, Outreach<br /> <br /> Start Inhouse Ad Network<br /> <br /> Start App Development / Point of Sale/<br /> <br /> Mobile Wallets
Q1, 2018
Platform Enhancements, Level Up Ranking "Impact" System<br /> <br /> Retailer Meetings / POS Prospecting LifeXchange Platform Development-<br /> <br /> Buy/Sell Exchange Simplified- Savings TOKEN.
Q2, 2018
Global Marketing Outreach<br /> <br /> Bible Studies, Reading Plans, User<br /> <br /> Generated Plans Upgrade.
Q3, 2018
Fund Buyback Wallet<br /> <br /> Roll out Ad Network<br /> <br /> Launch Beta LifeXchange Platform.
Q4, 2018
Integrate New Books For Reading<br /> <br /> Launch Marketplace<br /> <br /> Develop Streaming Music Page<br /> <br /> Develop Kids for Christ page (games & content)
Screenshots taken on 8 Feb 2018
Luke Forstmann
Participates in a number of projects
George O'Connor
Participates in a number of projects
Simone O'Connor
Director of Communications
Participates in a number of projects
Laura Brooks
Director of Business Development
Participates in a number of projects
Emmanuel Ogunjumo
Ministry Relations Advisor
Participates in a number of projects
Justin Obney
Lead Programmer
Participates in a number of projects
Brandon Cornett
Lead Programmer
Participates in a number of projects
Justin Gautreau
Tech/Crypto Adviser
No participating data

Advisors (0)

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