How will the investor benefit from our eco system: CMC blockchain as per our POC has a protocol in place which rewards all CMC holders 20% from all network fees and every company that will create their smart contracts on C-Chain, the protocol that is build in will reserve 5% of the companies total for the cmc holder.
Additionally CMC will become a full STO which like any traditionally business the CMC holders and investors is entitled to revenue and voting rights.
CMC will not only provide the service and support to already existing blockchain companies but also to already existing mainstream companies
Being a full eco system, all services are in place, starting from token creation on our platform, then we can offer full STO support, to help collect funds for the companies as well promotional packages and once their STO’s have finished, they will list on our cryptocurrency.
CryptoMarketCloud becomes a viable and successful ico platform;<br />
<br />
CryptoMarketCloud Develops its own Token and team development.
Q4 2018
Preparation For own Ico Launch, team assembly, white paper and website design.
Q4 2018
ICO Launch.
Q4 2018
ICO Launch.
Q1 2019
ICO completion.
Q1 2019
CMC token Listing on Exchange’s;<br />
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Work and developing own Blockchain starts.
Q2 2019
Own Blockchain completed and deployed;<br />
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Creation of smart contracts possible on own Blockchain;<br />
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Work on developing own CryptoCurrency Exchange starts.
Q3-Q4 2019
Cryptocurency Exchange finished and deployed.
Q4 2019
Listing of top 10 currencies on our exchange;<br />
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Full CryptoMarketcloud Eco-System developed, deployed and fully functioning.
Q1 2019
New projects and additions products introduced to CryptoMarketCloud Eco-System.