There is no doubt that blockchain is the technology that can transform the world.
However, despite having the powerful technology behind it, the success of cryptocurrencies has been limited by their lack of adoption and acceptance.
Cryptocurrencies are perceived and used mainly as a speculative investment, while they should create a new economic set-up, which brings life changing opportunities to everyone.
Coinyspace is the platform created to make cryptocurrencies a tool which will help people and businesses increase earnings and solve other fundamental economic problems.
To achieve this Coinyspace combines two technologies - crypto and social media.
We launched the prototype of our platform in 2016 (named moBUinet), got a lot of feedback and are going to use funds raised through the token sale to improve various aspects of the platform’s framework.
We believe that cryptocurrencies will eventually become mainstream currencies, and Coinyspace will be at the centre of the action.
Idea Creation: The Team envisages a platform which will make bitcoin accepted across-the board.
Concept Development: The Core Team has been built. Key features of a cryptocurrency platform/network are outlined. Initial development starts.<br />
The first prototype is being developed. Different ideas (marketplace, an experimental internal currency, specifically tailored networking concept etc) are being discussed.<br />
A prototype of the platform has been launched. User feedback is being gathered.<br />
The team analyses the feedback data to get the most out it and uncover the best insights. The concept of the Platform is being refined.<br />
2018 1/2
Token Sale, Airdrop & Bounty campaigns are conceived and developed. Private Sale Launch.
2018 2/2
Public Sale Completed. Further Development Phase and Bug Bounty Program. Initial Marketing.
Fully Functional Platform Launch. All-Out Marketing Campaign. New features are gradually rolled out to make Coinyspace the go-to platform for all cryptocurrency users.