CONUN is a platform for building a horizontally distributed desktop computing system that can share the idle processing resources of personal computers to handle multiple projects (tasks) that require high performance computing resources. The platform includes not only personal computers but also the resources of smartphones that individuals carry.
CONUN connects a personal computer to a peer-to-peer (P2P) network from the Internet, the owner ("Requestor") of an application that requires high performance computing power leases some compute power from the computer of the person or group (the "Provider") that wants to share their computing resources. This configuration can be useful for projects that typically require large amounts of work and long processing times.
CONUN implements a method for organizing the necessary processes from the requestor's applications and effectively executing them on distributed computing resources. This approach replaces costly cloud computing services, reducing computing time and making complex applications such as scientific calculations and machine learning easier to use at lower cost.
CONUN does not have to pay for using existing cloud computing because it builds high computing power by collecting and sharing resources of personal desktop computers. In addition, because of the distributed computing architecture, certain groups do not have a single control authority to monopolize and regulate resources.
CONUN Planning.<br />
<br />
It presents the technology and business goals and direction of CONUN and plans development.
October 2017
Cryptocurrency Exchange.<br />
<br />
Begin to develop a trading platform for various cryptocurrencies transactions.
December 2017
Cryptocurrency Alpha Version Platform.<br />
<br />
Develop an alpha version of the Cryptocurrency trading platform.<br />
February 2018
Cryptocurrency Exchange Network Core.<br />
<br />
It applies various network core and trading system such as Bit coin/Ethereum/Ripple/Quantum and etc.<br />
March 2018
<br />
Describes the technical goals and direction of CONUN and presents a white paper detailing the architecture and platform.<br />
<br />
<br />
Develops client services for the Cryptocurrency.
April 2018
<br />
We are conducting pre-sale crowdfunding to raise funds for development.<br />
May 2018
Platform Development.<br />
<br />
Research and development will be conducted on technologies that define the basis of the Conun platform.
June 2018
CONUN Platform Core&Wallet.<br />
<br />
Publish cores and user electronic wallets corresponding to the CONUN data network.<br />
October 2018
Cryptocurrency Exchange BETA TEST BED.<br />
<br />
Test the beta version of the platform to run the actual crypto currency exchange. Check the trading system and cores, and work on enhancing security.
November 2018
CONUN Smart Contract & Mining Algorithm.<br />
<br />
Implement smart contracts and mining algorithms to manage transactions.<br />
December 2018
Cryptocurrency Exchange Service.<br />
<br />
Starts the Cryptocurrency Exchange service.<br />
<br />
PC Application UI/UX/Virtual Machine.<br />
<br />
It designs the application UI and UX of the personal computer and implements a virtual machine system for the application to work.
January 2019
Alpha Version Deployment.<br />
<br />
Implement and deploy an initial version of desktop grid system for user’s application, and design/develop an initial platform for service operations through a test network.<br />
March 2019
P2P Network Architecture/Desktop Grid Platform.<br />
<br />
It implements the desktop grid system and the core-based P2P network architecture of the grid system.
May 2019
P2P Network Architecture.<br />
<br />
It implements the desktop grid system and the core-based P2P network architecture of the grid system.<br />
July 2019
Smart Contract Phase 2.<br />
<br />
Add a smart contract application to the distributed computing processing environment.
October 2019
Authentication & Security.<br />
<br />
Implement authentication schemes and information security-related tasks for using the CONUN application.
November 2019
<br />
Implement the user application interface and implement the user platform task API.<br />
May 2020
Market Version Deployment.<br />
<br />
Configures the CONUN platform's real-time live networking environment and implements a deployment version that leverages tokens to handle users' distributed computing requests.<br />
June 2020
Application Category Managementt.<br />
<br />
Starting with application-specific category versions of scientific computation and deep learning, we begin development and management in several areas, step by step.
August 2020
Security&Reputation Management.<br />
<br />
Enhance CONUN's authentication and information security levels, and support community activities to effectively monitor and manage user participation.
October 2020
CONUN Resource Monitoring.<br />
<br />
Implement a management system that can monitor user activity and job processing status of CONUN.
December 2020
CONUN Community Network.<br />
<br />
Supports networking services to create and operate the CONUN community.<br />
September 2021
Mobile Governance.<br />
<br />
Builds CONUN mobile application governance and extends user interface development.<br />
November 2021
System Integration.<br />
<br />
Configure a desktop grid platform and integrated single network.
February 2022
Mobile Cluster.<br />
<br />
Mobile grid system architecture and frameworks are open to the public.<br />