Copy trader is Decentralized app deployed on ethereum blockchain and act as a marketplace between expert traders (who want to monetize their skills) and newbie traders (who want to trade successfully without any experience and skills ). Copy Trader connects them in transparent and decentralized fashion easily.
copy trader Dapp Deployed on Ethereum blockchain and public source code will appear on our github. there will be no alpha and beta launch becuase we arleady tested it by deploying on ropsten test ethereum network
NOVEMBER 17, 2017 Erc20 Based ICO Copy
Support for Erc20 based ICO will be added. Traders will be able to copy Any Erc20 supported ico from successful expert invester
DECEMBER 2, 2017 Copy Trader ios and Android app launch
copy traders Android and ios app will be launched. This app will be launched with clean UI and act as user dashboard to moniter and check real time trades and updates.
Q1, 2018 3rd Party integration
The copy trader architecture is built around a smart contract system which promotes transparency and extensibility.3rd party tools can be integrated via smart contracts with Copy Trader To Optimize the Performance .
Screenshots taken on 3 Feb 2018
Sain Fri
Project Lead (Co-founder)
Participates in a number of projects
Thu Van Le
Technical Lead (Co-founder)
No participating data
Alex Rasti
BizDev Lead (Co-founder)
Participates in a number of projects
Adrian Assamorgh
Developer (UX/UI)
Participates in a number of projects
Advisors (3)
Denis Oakley
Development Strategy Advisor Crypto trade analyist