Cotton Coin

Cotton Coin

The Cotton Coin project is a humanitarian effort created to give hope and save the lives of third world cotton farmers. Your investment in Cotton Coin will help transform the corrupt cotton industry while earning an attractive reward.<br /> <br /> Cotton Coin runs on blockchain protocol that creates a trusted transaction ledger to integrate consumers, supply chain participants and authorities in one ecosystem. This peer-to-peer payment network can be used as an alternative to fiat currency for instant payment.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Token info
Ticker: COTN
Platform: X11
Token Type: X11
Available for sale: 2,000,000 COTN (10%)
Total supply: 6,062,095.0000000 COTN
ICO Price: ≈ 1.15 USD
Screenshots taken on 1 Sep 2018
Q2 - 2018
Idea Conception;<br /> <br /> Platform creation;<br /> <br /> COTTONCO.IN website launch;<br /> <br /> Develop COTTON COIN’S payment platform;<br /> <br /> Pre-sale ICO begins;<br /> <br /> COTTON COIN wallet launch;<br /> <br /> Social Media Marketing begins.
Q3 - 2018 listing;<br /> <br /> DISCORD group (Opens to community);<br /> <br /> TELEGRAM group (Open to community);<br /> <br /> Exchange community voting bounties;<br /> <br /> Acquire more partners;<br /> <br /> Bounty campaign launch.
Q4 - 2018 listing;<br /> <br /> Attend agricultural trade shows;<br /> <br /> Educate cotton farmers in India and Pakistan on Cotton Coin;<br /> <br /> Meet with agents and officials in 3rd world countries;<br /> <br /> Sign up users for COTTON COIN;<br /> <br /> Begin developing the Traceability System and dApps.
Q1- 2019
COTTON COIN Wallet improvements;<br /> <br /> Attend agricultural trade shows;<br /> <br /> Educate cotton farmers in New Zealand and Australia on Cotton Coin;<br /> <br /> Sign up users for COTTON COIN;<br /> <br /> Meet with logistics companies;<br /> <br /> Integrating features in Traceability System and dApps.
Q1 - 2019
Planned listing on either Bittrex or Poloniex;<br /> <br /> COTTON COIN features improvement;<br /> <br /> Educate cotton farmers in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on Cotton Coin;<br /> <br /> Continue to sign up users for COTTON COIN;<br /> <br /> Meet with logistics companies;<br /> <br /> 1st phase of testing Traceability System.
Shiv Kumar
No participating data
Piotr Leib
No participating data
No participating data
Daniel Ang
Certified Blockchain Expert, Technical Support
No participating data
Paul Teo
Business Advisor, Advertising and Marketing
No participating data
Mae Ling
Legal Advisor, Offshore Banking
No participating data
Wil Deng
Liaison Manager (Singapore and Indonesia)
No participating data
Jennifer Lam
Liaison Manager (China and Thailand)
No participating data
Liaison Manager (South Korea)
No participating data
Victor Lee
Liaison Manager (South Korea)
No participating data
Kapil Sharao
Liaison Manager (India)
No participating data

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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