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CrashCoin (ticker: c) is a Coin (BEP20 fixed supply Token) meant to store value against the crypto market.

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ICO Time: 03 Feb 2022 - TBA
Token info
Ticker: CRASH
Platform: Binance Chain
Token Type: BEP-20
Jun 2021
Create Website <br /> Create Token <br />
Dec 1
Start Initial offering with Round 1 <br /> Create PancakeSwap CRASH/BNB Pair <br /> Renounce token contract ownership <br /> Create PancakeSwap CRASH/BUSD pair (Official primary pair) <br />
Feb 3
IDO Final Round at PancakeSwap (Starting Feb 3) <br /> Lock project liquidity of CRASH/BUSD pair <br />
≤ 28-feb-2022
Make 91% of the Tokens publicly available (Pools included) <br /> Distribute 97% of Total Fixed Supply <br /> Get listed at CoinGecko <br /> Get listed at CoinMarketCap <br /> Distribute remaining marketing founds (100% of Total Fixed Supply) <br /> Promote the Token
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