CREDITS platform offers new and unique technical implementation of blockchain technology, smart contracts, data protocol and has its own internal cryptocurrency. It is a platform with completely new technical network capabilities, speed, cost of transactions and total number of operations per second. It is an open platform which means that users and companies can create online services that implement the blockchain protocol. We offer a new product for users. We designed new features by creating new algorithm to search for a consensus; a new scheme registry; an algorithm for processing and maintaining transation - based solutions for finite state machines based on the model of Federal voting nodes. The CREDITS platform offers a solution to low speeds and high transaction costs. It expands the the potential blockchain technology has for the financial industry and the Internet of Things.
FA : Key Design Implementation Decentralization Ledger, NoSQL Store implementation Design and Implementation Formal Specification and Key Design Elements User interface Implementation Wallet Formal specification RPC & REST API Formal specification
S2 Alpha
mFA : Key Design Implementation, PoW + PoC MessagePack History Integration with ecosystem Third-party system Design and Implementation Reasoner Integration with Blockchain Web UX design Blockchain Explorer
S3 Beta
mFA Optimization Blockchain backup CVM (Credits virtual machine) Optimisation Third-party system Integrate to full system Reasoner Optimization UX design Application Test