Invest in Business. Crowd-up is creating a decentralised funding platform that will digitize equity to implement a quick, secure and efficient marketplace for private business Crowd-up is creating a decentralised funding platform that will digitize equity to implement a quick, secure and efficient marketplace for private businesses to raise capital. We will achieve this by removing the market intermediaries that currently exist in traditional platforms, such as; brokers, underwriters and centralised financial institutions. <br />
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Crowd-up will operate in a manner that is similar to a venture capital fund. Investors will buy into the ‘fund’ by purchasing our digital currency - CDUs (Crowd-Up tokens). These tokens will allow investors to invest in companies raising funds on our platform, therefore operating with the buying power of a venture fund but maintaining the flexibility of angel investing. <br />
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Crowd-Up will go beyond being a matchmaker for startups and investors and level the playing field by opening early funding to a global investment/entrepreneur marketplace. This will break down the barriers that have only allowed “moneyed” investors or traditional VC’s to participate in early funding opportunities, and gives entrepreneurs looking to raise capital another avenue to raise funds other than traditional Venture Capital circuits.<br><br><p>Crowd-up is creating a decentralised funding platform that will digitize equity to implement a quick, secure and efficient marketplace for private businesses to raise capital. We will achieve this by removing the market intermediaries that currently exist in traditional platforms, such as; brokers, underwriters and centralised financial institutions.</p><p>Crowd-up will operate in a manner that is similar to a venture capital fund. Investors will buy into the ‘fund’ by purchasing our digital currency - CDUs (Crowd-Up tokens). These tokens will allow investors to invest in companies raising funds on our platform, therefore operating with the buying power of a venture fund but aintaining the flexibility of angel investing.</p><p>Crowd-Up will go beyond being a matchmaker for startups and investors and level the playing field by opening early funding to a global investment/entrepreneur marketplace. This will break down the barriers that have only allowed “moneyed” investors or traditional VC’s to participate in early funding opportunities, and gives entrepreneurs looking to raise capital another avenue to raise funds other than traditional Venture Capital circuits.</p>
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