Cryptofitnessclub is a disruptive new approach to the online fitness industry. By combining the secure new blockchain technology with the traditional online fitness business the possibilities are unlimited. Secure, decentralized, convenient and fast payments alongwith an Ad free experience, peer-to-peer rewards for sharing content are some of the features we offer to our users using the blockchain technology.
Hire web developers and advisors develop the blue print
Q3 2017
Website registration and content development
Q2 2018
Q3 2018
Settingup of servers, self hosted videos. Community development.
Q1 2019
Getting fitness professionals on board. Getting them to accept GYM Tokens Supporting the use of GYM Tokens and increasing their growth.
Q2 2019
Exchange listing and increaing the ease for usage of GYM Tokens and convertions<br />
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Partnering with the leading Fitnessclubs.
Q3 2019
Implement virtual training. Start the online shop. <br />
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Facilitate sellers to list the fitness items.
Expanding the business. partnering with fitnessclbs all over the world.<br />
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Offer users the ability to use any fitness center with a single membership. <br />