We are cryptopus. - IPFS-based, open-source blockchain tech brokerage marketplace where cryptocurrency investors choose inkognito traders based on their result of the job – reputation, history and balance. Trader’s profiles are transparent and their strategies are free-for-all.
Data storage Decentralisation by using IPFS Nodes sync Kraken sync Poloniex sync Bitfinex sync Bitmex sync Traders data analysis (by dividing it into smaller pieces)
October 2017
Registration process takes place PR-campaign Web-application development process
November 2017
Desktop application development Desktop-application release (26th of November)
December 2017 - January 2018
pre-ICO start (3rd December) Mobile applications are ready to be released «Debugging process» Jurisdiction issues regulation process
February 2018
Desktop-application is stable v1.0 with all the function available, ICO start (26th February)
March 2018 - May 2018
System update and development Contacting to exchanges and working privately with them