Cryptum ICO is a multi-layer investment project with the paramount goal of funding a
high-end board game design, development and publishing studio, starting with our first
announced title: the strategy crypto mining board game Blockchain: The Cryptocurrency
Board Game. We are using Ethereum-based tokens to offer proof-of-ownership access to free
games, shared profits from all projects and initial amounts of our future cryptocurrency named
While the Cryptum project doesn't rely on any from on decentralization (quite the opposite, in
fact), we are using the Ethereum blockchain to confirm the number of tokens owned, and
distribute games,profits (in ETH) or coins to the respective addresses,or to physical or another
blockchain addresses, submitted by the address owners
Mining project start. Cryptumcoin announcement and claim process
December 2017
Mining project start. Cryptumcoin announcement and claim process. Cryptumcoin launch and initial disctribution
January 2018
Mining project operational at 20-25% Cryptumcoin listen at exchanges
February 2018
Mining project operational at 50% Blockchain game final test and quotation Mining project first claims round, shared profit distribution
March 2018
Mining project operational at 75%
April 2018
Primewarp game active design stage Mining project 100% operational Mining project second claims round, shared profit distribution
May 2018
Blockchain game campaigns
June 2018
Mining project third claims round, shared profit distribution Free access to blockchain game claims deadline Blockchain final game quantity sent to manufacturer
July 2018
Primewarp game beta test and quotation Blockchain expansions active design stage Board games project shared profits claims and distribution
August 2018
Mining project fourth claims round, shared profit distribution
October 2017
Blockchain game campaign fulfilment Mining project fifth claims round, shared profit distribution Board games project free games free shipping Blockchain game official retail release October 1st Blockchain game expansion campaigns
November 2018
Cryptumcoins accepted in games online store Godforce game active design Primewarp game campaigns Free access to games expansions claims deadline
December 2018
Mining project sixth claims round, shared profit distribution Blockchain expansions final QTY sent to manufacturer
January 2019
Free access to Primewarp, Genesis claims deadline. Primewarm game final quantity sent to manufacturer. Board games project shared profits claims and distribution
February 2019
Board games project shared profits claims and distribution. Mining project seventh claims round, shared profit distribution Blockchain expansions final QTY sent to manufacturer
March 2019
Blockchain expansions campaign fulfilment Board games project free games free shipping Mining project shared profits half-life
April 2019
Mining project seventh claims round, shared profit distribution Primewarp: Genesis campaign fulfilment Board games project free games free shipping
June 2019
Mining project eighth claims round, shared profit distribution Godforce game campaigns
July 2019
Free access to Godforce claims deadline C22 game in active design and testing
August 2019
Mining project nineth claims round, shared profit distribution Godforce final QTY sent to manufacturer
October 2019
Mining project tenth claims round, shared profit distribution
December 2019
Godforce game campaign fulfilment Board games project free games free shipping Mining project eleventh claims round, shared profit distribution
Q1 2020
Free access to C22 claims deadline C22 game campaigns Mining project twelveth claims round, shared profit distribution Mining project shared profits stops
Q2 2020
Board games project shared profits claims and distribution.