What is the profit of a DAGNet ICO investor?
The yield on DNT tokens is formed of the commissions for transactions in DAGNet. If there are 100,000 active DAGNet platform users, the estimated annual yield on a DNT token will amount to 60%. You can get more detailed information in the unique commercial offer of DAGNet.
Beginning of DAGNet technology development (Anonymity blocks and increasing the speed of transactions, service units).
2nd qtr of 2018
First application of the system in CryptoBankOne and obtaining intermediate results. Full integration of DAGNet in the system of CryptoBankOne settlements.
3rd qtr of 2018
Preparation for scaling the DAGNet technological solution.
4th qtr of 2018
Holding DAGNet ICO.
1st qtr of 2019
Formation of additional data processing centres (server and DAG network device) of the DAGNet system.
2nd qtr of 2019
Opening support offices in 100 major cities around the world. Scaling the system to attract users.
3rd qtr of 2019
Formation of a partnership network consisting of 5,000,000 DAGNet users worldwide.