DAIN is the next-generation artificial intelligence platform, a decentralized and geo-dispersed public computing network governed through blockchain and specialized in addressing and solving artificial intelligence problems.
A safe space where companies, institutions and individuals can sell, rent and share knowledge, solutions, data and infrastructure securely to create, consume and execute AI.
DAIN defines a subnet architecture to implement a new proprietary consensus model, allowing governance through a DAG to reliably record transactions and AI models.
Agreement with Universidad Pontificia de Comillas to fund a research project on DAIN
Q2 2019
DainWare funded<br />
White Paper published<br />
Funds raised from 8 angel investors<br />
Advisor Board
Q3 2019
Agreement with SecondWindow to provide development workforce
Q4 2019
Industry alliances<br />
Token Private Sale<br />
Telefónica & Eleven Paths LoI sign off<br />
Selected in the fifth edition of the acceleration program of Bankia Fintech by Insomnia
Q1 2020
IEO 1.0<br />
Research Article Publication<br />
PoC Industrial Use Case
Q2 2020
IEO 2.0 with additional exchanges for extended reach