DLX is security coin to be registered with SEC which will have ZERO Volatility, will NEVER depreciate, will increase it's value every month due to 50% of the Delta-X brand profits going into the coin and after a very short period will have ZERO Spread, so no losing money when you buy and need to quickly sell because you need the cash for an emergency.
Delta-X is a Brand that will contribute and could lead the growth of Cryptocurrencies and the replacement of fiat.
We envision to mention only but a few, Delta-X Liquors, Delta-X foods, Delta-X motors, Delta-X Beats (Night Clubs), Delta-X styles (Hair dresses and beauty parlors) etc. A whole new ecosystem of stores and retailers and service providers, deliveries etc, all payable with Crypto and all via one, all-in-one brand and platform.
Delta-X with DLX will be the bridge to the gap in Crypto Salaries and will give the people something better than cash, more secure and will have many more benefits
If existing business does not want to partner with us and adapt, we will establish our own and strive to be the best and offer the best with the best service and support.
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