The Difo Network is a token-governed digital jurisdiction that focuses on creating the best conditions for true global economic growth.
While we are helping start-ups to raise the funds, we care about investors whose investments’ protection we wish to guarantee to the maximum extent. The voting system gives the investors bigger control over their investment.
The ultimate goal of DFN is to be the all-in-one solution and offer a wide array of services from market to finance.
Market Research start for Difo Network<br />
Building Team<br />
Q1 2021
Project Prepare & Launch<br />
Uniswap List<br />
Website & Whitepaper Released<br />
Airdrop Program Start<br />
List on Coingecko& Coinmarketcap<br />
List on Latoken. (last of february-first week of march)<br />
List on Bitforex<br />
List to MXC, Abit, Dcoin, Hotbit & major exchangers