Digital Telecom is set to disrupt to current telecom market. Technology changes and telecom markets are, besides testing 5G, staying behind. Hijacking sim-cards, privacy-invading in so many ways and rising costs are the reason we want to stand up and give it to the people. The DiTe token is the only way this ecosystem can work. You will pay and also recieve DiTe tokens for being in the network.
Digital Telecom, for short Digitel, is a wireless mesh network with a secure blockchain smart contract that functions as an app which, provides its users with full access to decentralization. Digitel works as a background application when installed on phones or java-enabled devices, enables people to achieve distributed decentralization that will only continue to strengthen with network density. The network is active over a Wi-Fi network connection with several nodes running which makes contact with a mobile device that connects each other. The devices people already carry around everyday forms the infrastructure, so no extra gadget is required. The Digitel mesh network is self-forming, self-healing, and self-regulating, using whatever it has at its disposal. It runs on devices most of the world already. Digitel network can compute paths, It does not naively broadcast to all devices. Instead, it can make use of multiple paths at once and spread the load across multiple technologies. Lastly, Digitel mesh allows data to flow through disparate Mesh Ports (i.e., those from other applications). This allows for larger meshes to be created and greater density to be achieved. Digitel mesh network does not rely on operating system routing. It gives the protocol full control to use multiple paths to optimize and manipulate routes without rooting the device.
The ecosystem is largely comprised of network nodes, the devices that form the infrastructure, the service providers, the entities who supply services and content to be used over the network, and the end users who utilize the service over a Digitel network. In the Digitel ecosystem tokens are a necessary asset to communicate within the network. The host who shares the network gets paid in Dite token, while the users will have to pay in Dite token also to use the services rendered by the host.
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