Dungeon Coin

Dungeon Coin

We do believe learning is not only a boring process in school. This is a Q&A action game. Player needs to rush for "correct" answers and stop other player to pick the "correct" one. It is a meaningful game if come success. We offer totally 2200000 DGC for airdrop. Extra NFT item will be given to token buyers.
Website: Visit
Pre-sale Time: 29 Oct 2021 - 31 Dec 2021
Token info
Ticker: DGC
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC-20
ICO Price: ≈ USD
Q4 2021
Coin Event:<br /> - Presale and Airdrop.<br /> <br /> <br />
Q1 2022
Coin Event:<br /> - Launch on liquidity-provider.<br /> <br /> <br />
Q2 2022
App Event:<br /> - Launch of preview version<br /> <br /> <br />
Q3 2022
App Event:<br /> - Launch on iOS/Android.
ICO List
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