Digital evolution advances and reshape the life. The platform helps enterprises and individuals to transcend limitations in their core competencies, increase capabilities and create scalable collaborations
the platform allows to verify user identity and use it as a tool in Know Your Customer process the platform has a wide range of tools for various types of information and economic interaction.
This year we did a lot of preparatory work, tested and improved the platform and are ready for the rapid development phase.<br />
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Finish the beta version acording to KYC and AML requirements, build light wallet app (iOS, Android), get a new world-wide corporate clients, run start-ups ICO on the platform.<br />
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Enter the top 10 blockchain solutions for banks, insurance companies, brokers etc. Expand our presence in key financial centers. Become the No.1 choice for ICO.<br />
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Become No.1 choice for KYC and AML solutions and go beyond this space to influence how governments, organizations and people think about digital identities.<br />
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