We are the very first project that offers a mining hardware group bulk purchase through a token sale. We managed to close a deal with a hardware provider that can go up to 30% discount rewarded in extra mining hardware.
With this deal we can offer contributors up to 30% more mining hardware for the same invested amount.
We combine this group bulk purchase with our green, renewable energy mining concept to provide token holders with the highest possible returns .
Mining project with smart contracts integrated. We do not run a business like cloud mining. The purchased hardware is directly attached to the tokens. Our smart contract will distribute mining returns every week directly to the token holders personal wallet. No need to signup, buy mining contract, scared to get hacked, loose password. As long as you hold your tokens you will receive weekly returns directly to your wallet.
Working out idea. Prospecting locations. Found reliable partner and hardware supplier.
Oct-Nov, 2017
Found partner and location in South Africa. Negotiated long term deal with hardware supplier.
Jan- Feb, 2018
Preparing team. Working out WP. Preparing pre sale site. Attracting premium members.
March, 2018
Attracting premium members. Launch pre sale website. Preparing second platform. Early bird pre sale open.
April, 2018
Launch referral platform. Public presale 1 -15th april. Public token sale running 16/4 until 15/5. Preparations mining facility SA.
May, 2018
End crowdsale. Hardware group bulk order. Setting up first batch of rigs. Screen green energy market for 2th facility. Apply for exchange listing + coinmarketcap.
June, 2018
First mining facility fully up and running. Weekly profits on facility 1. Platfrom launch to track and follow all mining activites. Forum launch.
July-Aug, 2018
Second mass order for new facility. Preparing 2th location for deploying mining facility.
September, 2018
Deploy 'rent your Source' project. Hiring local sales teams pr persons. Prospecting new facilities. Prospecting partnerships with green energy suppliers.
October, 2018
Improving and expanding existing facilities. Rent your Source up and running.
Happy customers and miners. Become the most profitable green mining project. Be or become the largest green mining project. Keep maintaining a healthy and profitable mining project. Work out new mining solutions.
Screenshots taken on 12 Mar 2018
Tony Joseph Kipper
ceo, founder
Participates in a number of projects
Wimpie Pretorius
Engineer, Mining expert
Participates in a number of projects
Birgit Viett
No participating data
Matthias Feindert
Security, Privacy
No participating data
Meet our team Tony Joseph Kipper ceo, founder International project management graduate. Advertisin