The EventChain Smart Ticketing platform was launched to create a peer-to-peer infrastructure where event tickets have no excessive processing fees and are widely available on a platform for everyone.
EventChain.js will integrate a SmartTicketing infrastructure which harnesses exclusive benefits enabling functional programming inside of SmartTickets.
2018 Q1 - EventChain Ticket Exchange Interface
EventChain will create a ticket exchange interface to enable users to effortlessly buy, sell and trade their authentic tickets in a matter of seconds. Users will utilize an interface that pulls available information from the EventChain database in order to exchange SmartTickets.
2018 Q1 - EventChain Database
The EventChain database will hold relevant information of user data, event information and ticket history. Storing excess data on the Ethereum blockchain can be very costly and ineffective at this point. By leaving the Ethereum blockchain focusing solely on completing transactions users will have a faster and smoother ticketing experience.
2018 Q1 - EventChain Oracle
An external Oracle will act as a communication channel between users and the Ethereum Blockchain for implementing further functionality into SmartTickets including smart contract functionality. Oracle based contract execution communicates to users with the Ethereum blockchain, verifying the validity of SmartTicket transactions in a reliable and efficient manner. The EventChain oracle will store external personal and historical data to remove excess computational stress from the blockchain.
2018 Q2 - EventChain Mobile Wallet Client
EventChain will develop a mobile platform for accessing the SmartTicket framework on both iOS and Android apps. With the majority of users transitioning primarily to mobile computing, these applications will likely be the principal source for buying and selling tickets conveniently. With the EventChain apps, anyone will be able to purchase a ticket for an event quickly and easily. An event goer could theoretically purchase a ticket outside of a venue and within seconds have an immutable ticket on the blockchain for attending an event.
2018 Q2 - EventChain Desktop Wallet Client
EventChain’s standalone desktop system will enable users to access EventChain’s platform from any computer or mobile device. It will also include an Ethereum ERC20 light wallet for holding and managing EventChain EVC Tokens and other ERC20 tokens, checking balances and quickly buying or selling SmartTickets with other users directly. In the case where purchasers don’t have a mobile device, printing a ticket or writing down the public and private SmartTicket keys on a piece of paper can prove SmartTicket ownership entering an event with no portable technology needed.
2018 Q4 - EventChain VR SmartTickets
EventChain in partnership with the SPH VR Network will release a Virtual Reality based VRTicketBox to purchase tickets for VR and non VR events.
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Dr. Steven Funk
Silicon Valley Billionaire
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Piotr Piasecki
Core Developer, Factom
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Jeans Tang
Founder & President of Blockchain Research Institute