FinNexus is a new open finance protocol being built on Wanchain. The protocol aims to bridge the divide between decentralized and traditional finance and to make as wide a range of financial products as accessible as possible to as large of an audience as possible. The project is the brainchild of Boris Yang, one of the core founders of Wanchain who is now independent of Wanchain, but still a strong collaborator with the organization. In the crypto economy there exist a number of different connectivity needs. The need for connectivity between assets and blockchains, between users and blockchains, and between different service providers and their users. Currently, these connections are Adhoc, unsystematic, and highly inconvenient. Instead, the connections should be unified, user-friendly, and generalizable. FinNexus is a general protocol aiming at providing those connections. Here ‘connection’ refers not only to technological connections, but also business connections. Therefore, FinNexus is not just a technological protocol, but also a business protocol. Moreover, FinNexus is not just one protocol, but in fact a collection of multiple protocols that together compose the FinNexus ecosystem. The three major connections that FinNexus provides are: 1. Connections between users and blockchains. 2. Connections between Assets and blockchains. 3. Connections among different data providers. <br />
The goal of FinNexus is to aggregate a wide array of different services on one platform so that user requirements can be met in a unified and streamlined way, greatly simplifying and improving the user experience. To help readers better understand how FinNexus will aggregate services, the application that could use FinNexus ecosystem are: 1. Investment in POS pools through lending on cryptocurrencies. 2. Investment in Quantitative trading products through lending on cryptocurrencies. 3. Stable return assets. 4. Risk Hedging with options.
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