Formacar Crypto

Formacar Crypto

GameFi Autoverse on the BSC blockchain. A mobile racing game developed around Play2Earn and Drive2Earn mechanics

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist
Token info
Ticker: FCG
Platform: Binance Chain
Token Type: BEP-20
1Q 2020<br /> <br /> Formulate the idea of the Formacar Metaverse<br /> Shape the idea of a unique large-scale P2E and F2P crypto game<br /> 2Q 2020<br /> <br /> Hire professional UX/UI design specialists<br /> Hire the best game developers<br /> Start the development of the Formacar Action game<br /> 3Q 2020<br /> <br /> Hire a team of 20 3D modeling specialists<br /> 4Q 2020<br /> <br /> Start the development of the Formacar Action app for Play Market and App Store<br />
1Q 2021 - 3Q 2021<br /> <br /> Develop and test the first iteration of Formacar Action<br /> Fix initial bugs and make revisions based on exposed flaws<br /> 4Q 2021<br /> <br /> Start the second stage of Formacar Action development<br /> Test the alpha version of the game<br />
1Q 2022<br /> <br /> Prepare for market launch<br /> Fine-tune the app for App Store<br /> 2Q 2022<br /> <br /> Create the website<br /> Package the Formacar Action project<br /> Create a smart contract for the $FCG utility token<br /> 3Q 2022<br /> <br /> Active development of the project's crypto architecture<br /> Seed Round of the $FCG token<br /> Game Concept Presentation: Drive2Earn (D2E)<br /> Development start of a marketing strategy for Formacar Action<br /> Development of an alpha version of Formacar Action<br /> 4Q 2022<br /> <br /> Design of NFT collections for the alpha version<br /> Creation of smart contracts for NFT collections<br /> Audit of $FCG smart contracts<br /> Launching sales of NFT collections granting access to the alpha version of Formacar Action<br /> Releasing the Formacar Action alpha version for iOS & Android platforms<br /> Conducting Presale rounds through Launchpad and own platform<br /> Conducting an active marketing campaign for Formacar Action<br />
1Q 2023<br /> <br /> Implementation of D2E mechanics in Formacar Action<br /> Launch of the Formacar Action beta version on IOS / Android with public access<br /> $FCG DEX listing preparation<br /> Launch of D2E mechanics in the game release<br /> 2Q 2023<br /> <br /> Release the final production version of the Formacar Action game<br /> Release the D2E mechanics<br /> $FCG token DEX listing<br /> $FCG farming<br /> $FCG stacking<br /> Formacar Autoverse development launch<br /> 3Q 2023<br /> <br /> Formacar Autoverse items presale<br /> Listing on top 10 exchanges<br /> Final release of the Formacar Autoverse
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