Geth - develops innovative cryptocurrency solutions. We solve problems and present how others are afraid to do. We are developing an application that includes and will include many services.
Development and closed testing of a smart contract.<br />
Preparation of design, promotional material, updating content.<br />
Launch of the platform for all users.
Q1 2020
Launch of a smart contract and the start of the sale of tokens.<br />
Development of new functionality, updating the design, adding open legal information for general access.<br />
Cryptocurrency exchange launched
Q2 2020
Development and launch of a cryptocurrency wallet.<br />
Development of a cryptocurrency exchange with a GETH token.
Q3 2020
Closed exchange testing.<br />
Completion of the token sale.
Q4 2020
Launch of the GETH exchange only for token buyers.<br />
Launch of GETH trading for all users.