

ICO Ended
A new level of blockchain lotteries, which are developed for participants: 1. Hybrid algorithm (POW + POS) allow to mine Gex lottery tickets by GPU or staking 2. The players be able to install Masternodes for daily ticket collection. 3. Our team developed and integrated lottery Smart Contract (5/36), which enable to use Gex coins immediately after entering the exchanges. 4. 85% of the amounts of tickets sold will be sent to the prize fund of smart contract.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Bounty: Bounty
Pre-sale Time: 10 May 2019 - 13 May 2019
ICO Time: 01 June 2019 - 02 June 2019
Whitelist/KYC: KYC
Token info
Ticker: GEX
Platform: Own
Token Type: POW/POS
Available for sale: 1,000,000 GEX (67%)
Raised $ 2,055,970
ICO Price: 1 GEX = 0.8-0.9 USD
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: No
Hard cap: 117.5 BTC
Bonuses: No
Q1 2019
Core team established <br /> Concept created <br /> Whitepaper 1.0<br /> Platform development <br /> Gexan testnet launch <br /> SMM channels creation<br /> Roadmap creation <br /> Marketing strategy <br /> Website & Design Re-Branding
Q2 2019
GEXAN Mainnet launch <br /> Initial Exchange Offering <br /> Marketing campaign - 1st round<br /> Crypto trackers listings <br /> Smart contracts for 5/36 lotto <br /> Masternode trakers listings<br /> Minining pools listings <br /> Listing on Exchanges - 1st round <br /> Crypto charts listing
Q3 2019
Refferal program launch <br /> 5 new lotteries <br /> Marketing campaign - 2nd round<br /> Legal entity, license <br /> Listing on Exchanges - 2nd round <br /> Develoments Iframe<br /> Coinbase & CoinPayments listings <br /> Gateaway bridge for Crypto withdrawals <br /> Mobile Wallets release
Q4 2019
IOS & ANDROID app lauch <br /> User interface decentralization (MIST) <br /> Marketing campaign - 3rd round<br /> partnerships with DAPPS developers <br /> Listing on Exchanges - 3rd round <br /> 8 new lotteries<br /> Cryptoexchange gate on website <br /> KPI achivments for investors promo <br /> Provide company share to a strategic investor
Screenshots taken on 2 May 2019
Artem Vahrushev
Founder, Finance and Economics
Participates in a number of projects
Artur Prints
CMO, Co-Founder
Participates in a number of projects
Kazimir Frolov
CTO, Co-Founder
Participates in a number of projects
Rustam Mustafaev
Advisor, PR and Marketing Strategy
Participates in a number of projects
Bounty manager, Media promotion
Participates in a number of projects
Gordey Pirs
Back-end & blockchain developer
Participates in a number of projects
Krunoslav Vrabec
Marketing manager
Participates in a number of projects
Michael Sidorov
Frontend developer & Digital design
Participates in a number of projects
Vyachaslav Samoilau
Smart-contracts developer
Participates in a number of projects
Alexey Liberman
Frontend developer
Participates in a number of projects
Natalya Levenkova
Graphic designer
Participates in a number of projects
Alisa Vaysbrod
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (0)

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ICO List
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