GGPro is a blockchain platform that creates new opportunities for interaction between the gaming community, sponsors and game developers. Steam platform integration allows gamers to earn money while playing popular games (DOTA2, CS:GO, Battlerite). Unique Player2Player promotion system - this innovative solution by GGPro team allows sponsors and developers of any level to get effective promotion of their products. The method is based on the players promoting the product among themselves.
Idea of platform;<br />
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Smart Development of platform.
Q2 2018
Development and testing of GGPro. Promotion prototype.
Q3 2018
Launch beta version of GGPro.Promotion;<br />
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Access to cryptocurrency exchanges;<br />
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Addition and support of new games and platforms.
Q4 2018
Launch of GGPro.Wallet;<br />
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Launch of in-game items shop GGPro.Market;<br />
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Launch of a sponsor merchandise shop GGPro.Sale.
Q1 2019
Launch of intra-platform invest system in cybersport GGPro.MyTeam;<br />
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Launch of intra-platform invest system in game developers GGPro.MyGame;<br />
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Launch of intra-platfrom exchange GGPro.Exchange;<br />
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Launch of mobile and PC application GGPro.APP.
Q2 2019
Implementation of ranking system;<br />
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Implementation of donation system GGPro.Donation.
Q3 2019
Intra-platform solo and tram ranking sysytem, holding competitions under GGPro.Competetive program;<br />
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Encouraging the growth of an intra-platfrom gaming community GGPro.Community.
Q4 2019
Inclusion of mobile games segment into operations;<br />
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Cooperation with developers in implementing in-game trade system GGPto.API.