GISC LoanCoin Network.. GISC LoanCoin Network is a utility token based lending and borrowing platform that allows users to leverage their blockchain assets to secure cash loans. GISC LoanCoin Network is a utility token based lending and borrowing platform that allows users to leverage their blockchain assets to secure cash loans. The network is optimal for P2P and B2B credit financing on a global scale. With multiple years of experience in the structured finance industry, our agent network of partners along with successfully operating lending and servicing business will be the driving force of GISC blockchain lending platform. Our platform will support P2P and P2B lending without intermediaries, working with cryptocurrencies alongside fiat currencies. For the benefit of our borrowers and lenders, GISC LoanCoin Network (GLN) will provide high-quality scoring and control AML/KYC. We are building a platform for the safe, transparent and reliable peer-to-peer lending, aiming to expand it to new markets and transform it to a blockchain financial institution with additional services over time. The GISC Platform is to be automated, efficient, and cryptographically secure. The system is designed such that, if you have a crypto asset you want to hold onto, you can borrow against the asset for liquidity, regardless of credit history or geographic constraints. It offers a solution to the problem many consumers face when they need or want cash to make a purchase, but do not wish to liquidate their assets. Instead of selling, GISC enables the users of the GISC LoanCoin Network (GLN) to leverage the value of certain digital assets with loans from other users or direct from GISC, thereby giving them access to fiat, avoiding excessive fees and maintaining their long position in the asset they hold; all in a single E-wallet and eventually deliverable onto a Prepaid Visa or MasterCard.
GLN Features
B2B Loan Origination.
P2P Loan Origination.
Term Financing & Installment Loans.
1 week - 36 Month Terms.
GISC LoanCoin Network access.
Virtual Fiat/Crypto E-Wallet.
Micro loan Financing.
Access up to $500,000 Coin Based Loans.
GISC Direct accepts the coins and then calculate a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and fixed interest rate based on Libor for users and extends GIS to the GLN coin based lender which is then employed in a smart contract to the P2P, B2B, or Packaged loan borrower. Without the use of GISC Direct the function lets the lenders GLN E-wallet extend GIS through the GLN which is then employed in a smart contract to the P2P, B2B, or Packaged loan borrower.
GISC Funded Customizable Crypto Loans Also on the network, GISC will act as a coin based lender using Smart contracts to fund established and altcoins allowing the borrower to submit a loan request tailored to their needs. These loans will be subject to the GISC strict proprietary modelcomposedofafundamentaland technicalinvestmentstrategytodetermineapproval, LTV,andinterestrate.Interestratesare usuallymarketrateorabove.
Packaged Crypto Loans Packaged Crypto Loans – listed by lenders and GISC on the GLN for borrowerstosimplyfind agreeabletermsandexecutesmartcontract.Theseloanswillalsobe availableonlytoGISC LoanCoinNetworktokenusersforborrowerselection.SelectAltcoin loanpackagedtermswillbelisted byGISCforborrowerstoselectandexecutesmartcontract.