We create a safe and stable crypto-currency secured by gold deposits in the Magadan Region of the Russian Federation, which will help you to save your fund.
Create gold mining the company organizational work.
1.5 milliom dollars own funds the Purchase Deposit area of 1400 hectares with 13 tons gold license extraction.
1 million dollars own funds the Purchase Deposit Created the rod;<br />
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Purchased part of the equipment;<br />
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Conducted geological exploration;<br />
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Base range.
Closed Pre Sale (start 01.11.17).<br />
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Q1 2018
Pre-ICO (start 15.01.18);<br />
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ICO (start 15.02.18);<br />
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3 - 4 million Purchase of equipment for a new mine, organization GMC club.
Q2 2018
Begining gold mining.<br />
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Q3 2018
Start Buy-back gmc tokens or exchanging GMC tokens for real gold coins weighing from 1 to 5 ounces.<br />
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Q4 2018
The opening of the new mines;<br />
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Distribution of tokens.