Global Risk Exchange (or "GRE") is a blockchain based, decentralized global risk exchange market, with the purpose of helping individuals, companies and organizations to hedge, trasfer and trade their risks. GRE completely reconstructed traditional risk management tools(insurance and derivative contracts) in a decentralized way, and will become the underlying operation system to support insurance and derivative industry in the era of blockchain.
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<br />
GRE-Core development<br />
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. Centralized Oracle development<br />
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. Demo of GRE App development<br />
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. Demo version of App-server development.<br />
Q2 2018
HI editor development. Mobile wallet development. Official App development. Continue GRE-Core and Oracle development<br />
Q3 2018
Development of Alpha Edition. Provide API & SDK. Security audit. GRE test running.
Q4 2018
Basic RDHI library content production. KYC related development. Security audit. Complete migration to public chain. Formal operation of the GRE primary market.
Q1 2019
Development of secondary market editor. Content production of secondary market base. Secondary market security audit. Complete development of the Alpha version of secondary market.
Screenshots taken on 16 May 2018
Shen Bo
Founder of Fenbushi Capital Co-founder of BitShares