GreenWorld Farm

GreenWorld Farm

ICO Ended
To stimulate growth and further the cause of GWF, we have designed a sales period pattern for our ICO stage and you can start purchasing your tokens as soon as the token sale begin. We offer extensive bonuses for our token sale period.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Bounty: Bounty
ICO Time: 14 May 2018 - 14 July 2018
Token info
Ticker: GWF
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Raised $ 4,600,000
ICO Price: 1 ETH = 8,000 GWF
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 2,500 ETH
Hard cap: 25,000 ETH
October 2017
Green World Farm concept is born<br />
November 2017
Team is Setup<br /> <br /> Project Start
December 2017
Company Registration
January 2018
Website Development<br /> <br /> Whitepaper Preparation
April 2018
Greenworldfarm Smart contract in Ethereum main net
May 2018
Token Sale
August 2018
Production Start proper
September 2018
Mobile app lunched<br /> <br /> Desktop app launched
December 2018
First set of products ready for sales.<br /> <br /> Products ready for Exportation
Q1 2019
Marketing<br /> <br /> Product purchase with GWF launches
Q2 2019
U.S.A Farm starts operation<br /> <br /> More Countries to export products
Q3 2019
Further Expansion of farm
Q4 2020
Further Expansion<br /> <br /> Worldwide exportation
Screenshots taken on 10 Jun 2018
Jeremiah Mobley
CEO & Co-founder
No participating data
Nathanael Badmus
CTO & Co-Founder
No participating data
Gabriel Nuciforo
Blockchain expert – Smart contract
No participating data
Sandra Williams
No participating data

Advisors (1)

Ilya Zverev
No participating data
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ICO List
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