HashNet BitEco

HashNet BitEco

HNB is building a decentralized blockchain network where individuals and enterprises can exchange products and services with trust and security. The dual-token system of HNB and HGS, combined with the hybrid consensus algorithm of DPOS and Algorand provides the infrastructure for a stable and robust ecosystem.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Pre-sale Time: 11 Feb 2019 - 11 Feb 2019
ICO Time: 20 Feb 2019 - 20 Feb 2019
Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist + KYC
Country: Singapore
Token info
Ticker: HNB
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: Utility
Available for sale: 22,000,000 HNB (25%)
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 HNB
ICO Price: ≈ 0.086 USD
Accepting: ETH
Hard cap: 19,000,000 USD
Screenshots taken on 10 Feb 2019
Q1 2017
RESEARCH<br /> <br /> <br /> Initial project investment and intensive research on decentralized applications and blockchain technology.
Q4 2017
TEAM FORMATION<br /> <br /> <br /> Core team established in Shanghai and Canada.
Q1 2018
BLUEPRINT<br /> <br /> <br /> Decentralized economic model and technical solution design.
Q2 2018
VERIDICATION<br /> <br /> <br /> POC launch, and verification of the HNB economic model.
Q3 2018
PROMOTION<br /> <br /> <br /> DApp SDK and underlying ERC20-based architecture development.
Q4 2018
CONSOLIDATION<br /> <br /> <br /> HNB/HGS ERC-20 based wallet launched.
Q2 2019
MAINNET 1.0 LAUNCH<br /> <br /> <br /> Launch two public chains for the dual-token model HNB and HGS.
Q3 2019
MAINNET UPGRADE<br /> <br /> <br /> Improve chain performance and achieve faster payments.
Q4 2019
MAINNET 2.0 LAUNCH<br /> <br /> <br /> Support sidechain and cross-chain communication. Support merchants to publish digital assets.
Ken Lee
Participates in a number of projects
Alan Wu
Participates in a number of projects
Mark Treleaven
Participates in a number of projects
Joe Lee
Participates in a number of projects
Tony Chang
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (6)

Richard Wang
DFJ Dragon Fund
No participating data
Bill Ming
CEO Creative Fund
No participating data
Meng Qinghai
My Tech Fund
No participating data
Zhu Kang
BN Capital
No participating data
Rain Huan
Atlas Capital
No participating data
Yu Jianghong
My Tech Fund
No participating data
ICO List
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