Hazeian Core -Hazeian Core enters v1.0, ready for first general public release. -User feedback and bug reports fixed in first public release. -Fee system fully integrated. Hazeian Escrow -Hazeian Escrow enters v1.0, ready for first general public release. -User feedback and bug reports fixed in first public release. -Hazeian Escrow Contract fully featured, can handle all types of trade.. -External escrow services can be created using the Hazeian Escrow Contract. Hazeian Connect -Hazeian Connect enters v0.5 (beta release) stage. -Sign-up allowed for all beta users. -API is fully featured, allowing access to all features including advertisements, accounts, trades and messaging. -Medium API limits implemented and no service charges for beta users. -Design complete for website with multi-device support. Hazeian Exchange -Hazeian Exchange enters v0.5 (beta release) stage. -Full access for beta users, soft limits on trades size and values during testing phase. -Design complete with multi-device support.