Hero Node is compatible with all existing public blockchains that support smart contracts in the market, including ETH, QTUM, IPFS, and provides a unified API interface.
Hero Node supports store different data on different blockchain for development.
Hero Node supports public blockchain synchronization, secure storage, FAAS, and decentralized node maintained by miners.
Hero Node has launched to produce version officially, and-deploy-multiple stable nodes in Asia, Europe, North America anstsocm, to-ensure IOW availability <br />
June 2018
Launch the first decentralized Dapp based on Hero Node
August 2018
Launch the token reward program of Hero Node to reward miners to expand the nodes and pay the token costs
October 2018
Launch Dapp ecosystem construction based on Hero Node which will launch the official Dapp every two months
December 2018
Complete the SDK development of IOS, Android and Web and make Hero node the basic set-vice chosen by more application developers <br />