HeroesJourneyâ„¢ is a new concept in the world of F2P and MMO mobile games. It is a progress based strategy game where the player starts the game with modest resources. The goal is to progress through the game and earn more experience and advance in level. The player is rewarded throughout the journey for doing well and helping others. Core functionality of the game revolves around the player interacting with other players in the virtual world. It is beneficial to have many in-game friends. This encourages the player to invite many real world friends into the game. In game progress is limited by a time factor. As the hero spends time and completes the tasks, they will be rewarded with the in game currency known as the HeroesJourney Coin (HJC). This coin can be used to power up the character, obtain game world power items and refresh energy. HJC will be featured in a world wide in game marketplace. Players will be able to buy and sell items to each other. All transactions will be done with HJC.
HJC allows the F2P player to participate without having to spend fiat currency in the app store. This helps level the playing field and gives all players a positive experience. Fraud is eliminated due to the Limited-Proof-of-Work nature of the blockchain technology behind HJC.