HiestCoin, launched in July 2021, is the fastest-growing cryptocurrency of its type awarding holders inBinance Pegged BUSD. It is a decentralized platform tobridge the gap between cryptocurrency and fiatcurrency and to bring the benefits of the crypto worldto the everyday person. Based on the Binance smartchain, it has 10x quicker block speeds and lower gascosts. Hiest Coin is proud to be the world’s first YieldGeneration token to reward its holders in BinancePegged BUSD. It is establishing a new standard in DeFiTokenomics with its innovative and game-changingToken distribution strategy. Hiest is intended to beheld, but it benefits investors during periods ofanticipated cryptocurrency volatility. With a tax systemthat is the same inside and outside the country, all priceactions will result in the same rewards.