

INMAX comes as a novel cryptocurrency trading platform with the abovementioned advantages. Founded by PT.HAFIZ KOIN ASIA – a company that has so much experience in cryptocurrency trading, INMAX offers a simpler but more advanced platform design and high-quality customer support. These made INMAX a dependable, faster, easier, and safer trading platform.<br /> <br /> We translate the missions into every aspect of our business strategies. We know that every customer wants to be treated with care. Therefore, we attempt to provide the users with a responsive and caring trading platform, where every trader can learn and share each other. This allows us to create a system, where everyone contributes to the company’s success.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 20 Nov 2018 - 09 Jan 2019
Country: Indonesia
Token info
Ticker: INX
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 3,000,000 INX (43%)
Total supply: 6,500,000 INX
ICO Price: ≈ 6.25 USD
Screenshots taken on 10 Nov 2018
Feb 2018
Recruitment of the team
Aug 2018
Reseach & develop masterplan project
Nov 2018
Airdrop start<br /> <br /> <br /> Token sale begin
Feb 2019
Tokensale ended<br /> <br /> <br /> First exchange with target price 1 INX = 2$<br /> <br /> <br /> INMAX APP for IOS release<br /> <br /> <br /> INMAX APP for android release
Mar 2019
Second exchange with target price 1 INX = 15$
Apr 2019
Third exchange with target price 1 INX = 25$<br /> <br /> <br /> Airdrop rewards distribution<br /> <br /> <br /> Payment gateway release
Mei 2019
Fourth exchange with target price 1 INX = 50$
Sep 2019
Master Card / VISA payment release<br /> <br />
Shomad Abdus
Participates in a number of projects
Sam Sumadi
Participates in a number of projects
Anjar Budi
Cryptocurrency Trainer
Participates in a number of projects
Sri Hartono
Community Manager
Participates in a number of projects
Eldwin Eldrich Goni
UI/UX Designer
Participates in a number of projects
Bondan Tri Rendra
Senior Software Engineer
Participates in a number of projects
Muzammil Ahmad
Program Development
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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Our Armacoin GZM coin is specially designed for advertising companies, various media, various greetings registered on the basis of blockchain. Each new message will not be overwritten by the previous one, but will be supplemented. These advertisers can be quite a lot and each of them will receive a payment for their advertising message. The cost of this one message will be 1 GZM. A specific function and variable were added in this coin. The function «Set-Messange» and the global variable «Messange» that is permanently stored in the blockchain. The «SetMessange» function adds a line to the «Messange» function and the 1 GZM is removed from the account of the one who calls this function and transfers this 1 GZM to the advertiser's account. This coin is like a prototype of a Billboard, where the owners of this token, that is, advertisers, can place a message in the contract line for only 1 GZM. The advertiser can place this message on the billboards in different cities, on websites and all visitors will see what is specified in the global parameter of the messange. This coin was created on the ERC-20 contract. The total number of issued and coins for mining does not exceeds 1 billion. The mining of this coin is also unique because it allows to generate GZM tokens with low power renewable energy. This leaves most of the green energy to use for the network, while the miner can use the opportunity to acquire new tokens. We are also developing applications for this smart contract and will give the opportunity to mine these tokens using renewable energy sources, various gadgets with installed pedometers apps, electric vehicles, fitness bracelets and much more. Everything will be done for environmentally friendly and safe mining, as well as for the stimulation of a healthy lifestyle of the people living on our planet. We will encourage everyone who cares about the purity and ecology of our planet.
The current supply chain industry is a $64 trillion market that employs millions around the world. Planport is building a decentralized business-to-business platform for the supply chain industry and our initial product focuses on procurement and its components. Procurement is one of the core sectors of the supply chain industry. It involves buying of goods and services that enable organizations to carry out their day-to-day operations. Someone involved in procurement may be responsible for sourcing raw materials from suppliers globally and bringing them into an organization by working with C-level executives, finance and engineering as well as external suppliers. While procurement is a vital aspect of operations, the process has critical problems that are costly for all businesses from small companies to big corporations. The obstacles include legacy systems with inefficient and closed networks that are expensive, risky and time-consuming, cash flow problems that take weeks or months, contractual nightmares, poor supplier management and closed and centralized access to goods and services. A company spends 30 to 70% of its revenue on outsourced goods and services, yet many still underinvest. The Planport Platform powered by the PORT token aims to solve these problems by unifying the entire procurement process end-to-end and empowering enterprises and suppliers using a decentralized business-to-business network in the supply chain industry. Buyers and sellers can use the platform for procurement, auctions, payments, and contract management. At the end of the supplier and buyer interaction, our invoice marketplace enables suppliers to push invoices to a network of global investors where they can access a diverse range of funders. This marketplace is built on the Blockchain distributed technology allowing participants to have a secure and efficient way to settle trade finance assets in the $3 trillion factoring industry. Planport, as part of Planport Platform, has built and is building the following products: Planport RFX - a procurement product for buyers and sellers. Planport Supplier Manager - a product for enterprises to communicate with and assess suppliers. Planport Auctions - a product for performing reverse auctions with multiple suppliers. Planport Payment Systems - a payment system empowered by the PORT token for business-to-business payments. Planport Contracts - a full contract management product for creation, storage, and discovery of contracts. Planport Experts Networks - an on-demand network of supply chain experts for enterprises. Plnaport Invoice Marketplace - a trade finance network for suppliers. Planport will revolutionise the supply chain industry by building a platform that streamlines the processes and is built on trust, mutual benefit and user-centric as part of the Web 3.0 by using the Blockchain technology.
Blockchain Of Things
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Aimedis is an AI backed, blockchain and smart contract supported medical ecosystem, that changes the way patients, doctors, and hospitals communicate, connect and handle information. Using the Aimedis platform, users can store, secure and share their medical information only with the people they want to share it with by using the Aimedis right management system. Beside the records, AImedis offers videochat and communication with other patients and doctors, online prescriptions, online appointments, learning content, the inclusion of fitness trackers and devices like ECG or bloodpressure monitors into the system, while all transactions inside the system are backed by our porprietary private AIMChain blockchain, while the token is bound to a public blockchain (Aimedis dual-blockchain model). AIMSocial will be the new incentivised and decentralized medical social network where patients can help other patients and get rewarded for it, while the system is supported by AI.
KardiaChain is the blockchain of blockchains. A scalable and interoperable blockchain platform for decentralized applications. Our Vision: We believe Blockchain can create equal opportunities for people, a world where people have access to opportunity to invest, to start a business, to work and to be socially mobile. Our technology empowers mass adoption, expand use-cases and lay foundation of the blockchain ecosystem. We are building a blockchain platform for decentralised applications helping to create a blockchain ecosystem that allows for scaling and connecting disparate blockchains. Our Core Technology is: - Dual Node - Elastic Sharding With Incentive Mechanism (ESWIM) - Kardia Smart Contract Markup Language (KSML) Our Use cases are: - Supply Chain Management - Fully Decentralised Cross-chain Exchange - Smart City
Burency is an advocate for crypto and Blockchain adoption, particularly in the MIDDLE EAST. The platform is designed to address key challenges that prevent widespread adoption within the cryptocurrency and Blockchain ecosystem such as exchange’s lack of liquidity and security, unsustainable mining, unawareness of Blockchain applications to businesses. The Burency Exchange is a regulated exchange platform that addresses key challenges including security, liquidity, fiat to crypto transactions and vise versa, and more. The exchange is one of the world’s fully insured platforms, with coverage provided from LIoyd’s of London through the Nebbex Protocol. The Burency Mining facility answers some of the challenges associated with crypto mining such as mining destruction to environment and excessive mining power expenses by creating a sustainable facility powered by renewable hydropower. Burency provides a streamlined platform for the generation of cryptocurrency via purchased timeshare slots within the mining facilities using the BUY token. Additionally, computational power can also be purchased via the BUY token which governs purchases across the Burency ecosystem. The Burency Blockchain Development Center is dedicated mainly for advising enterprises on Blockchain applications and helping them operate on the blockchain for more efficient operation and business transactions execution. In particular, the center focuses on the creation of smart contracts that enable businesses to trade with entities across geographical and jurisdiction boundaries.