IQuant Chain

IQuant Chain

IQT is a Smart Contract Token created by IquantChain, the world's first quantitive automatically trading platform. It is based on Ethereum platform. IQT is not only listed on the exchange, but also the only available currency on out IquantChain Platform. Once you get our IQT Token, you can choose to sell on the exchange, you can also invest on out platform to earn money.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 25 Sept 2017 - 25 Nov 2017
Token info
Ticker: IQT
Platform: Ethereum
Total supply: 100,000,000 IQT
ICO Price: β‰ˆ 0.375 USD
Soft cap: 6,000 ETH
Screenshots taken on 13 Feb 2018
Feb, 2015
Foundation of the company
Jan, 2016
Launch of 5iquant domestic financial assets investment product
Apr, 2016
Angel Financing
Jun, 2016
Launch of 5iquant overseas financial asset investment product
Aug, 2017
Pre-ICO crowd funding
Sep, 2017
- Distribute of Iquant chain TOKEN<br /> <br /> - Listed on Exchanges<br /> <br /> - ICO crowd funding
Apr, 2018
Launch of cryptocurrency intelligent investment advisor system
Sep, 2018
Launch of Iquant chain APP
Leo Chen
CEO of Iquant Chain
No participating data
Tony Hu
Iquant Chain Co-founder COO
No participating data
Matthew Klein
CTO of Iquant
No participating data
Fernanda Parisi
Iquant Senior Consultant
No participating data

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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