IRIS network aims to build technology foundation which facilitate construction of distributed business applications. It goes beyond today's blockchain systems which are mainly for digitalized assets.
The first stage of the IRIS project will focus on having the IRIS Hub up and running and connected to the Cosmos Hub. We also intend to release an initial version of the mobile client for the IRIS network.
OCT 2018 - DEC 2018
The second stage will focus on building the fundamental IRIS Service Layer. This will involve enabling service definition, binding, invocation and query. In this stage we are also aiming to have a beta version of the IRIS SDK ready for developers.
JAN 2019 - JUN 2019
The third stage will focus on incremental upgrades to the IRIS network in order to support our planned advanced IRIS Service governance features.
The fourth stage will focus on further technology innovations to the IRIS network, IRIS SDK and mobile client, as well as developer engagement.