izibits - is a set of services for daily usage in cryptonomy, based on chat-bot technology. izibits - is a multicurrency cryptowallet, VISA/MC card linked to any cryptoasset, p2p trading platform with escrow to exchange anything-to-anything, investment marketplace with ETFs and ICO-campaignes, mCommerce platform to build mini-shops. The system is made using messenger-as-browser conception and has a number of unique features.
iziWallet and iziExchange MVP (Telegram+bitcoin)<br />
Angel seed investments
Q3 2017
Micro-service Architecture<br />
iziShoping MVP (Telegram) Proof-of-Concept<br />
iziWallet, iziExchange portation to Viber and kik<br />
Adding Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum and other ERC20-tokens<br />
iziInvest MVP
Q4 2017
All modules portation to Skype, Facebook messenger, WeChat<br />
Distributed infrastructure<br />
External API<br />
3d party partners and liquidity providers integration<br />
iziCard partner integration and start of issuance
Q1 2018
DEX integration<br />
Extra modules<br />
EU financial license