

KiwiLemon is a cutting-edge amalgamation of Blockchain and AI based System that generates predictive analytics & indicators for identification of unusual hazardous events and possible epidemic outbreaks to facilitate rapid prevention and prompt life saving measures. Apart from this, KiwiLemon also extends assistance to the Pharma companies in their antidote innovations using de-identified patient data. This helps improve patient treatment plans and reduce heavy healthcare costs globally. KiwiLemon is driven to launch this collaboration in a highly decentralized manner with their KiwiLemon Army who will be rewarded for every data contribution made which will aid in prevention of future arising pandemics.

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Website: Visit
Dates: TBA
Token info
Ticker: KLMN
Platform: Binance Chain
Soft cap: USD 5 Million
Hard cap: USD 20 Million
Jan - Mar 2022
<br /> Research & development of blockchain based Healthcare analytics<br /> Conceptualization and Planning phase<br /> Launch of KLMN Portal (Beta version)<br /> Legal Registrations and Compliances<br /> KLMN Team Formation<br /> KLMN Advisory Panel<br /> KLMN Presale & Tokenization of Medical Records<br /> <br />
Apr - Jun 2022
Launch of Referral system<br /> Building KLMN Army<br /> Incentivizing KLM Army for prescription uploads<br /> Launch of Airdrop Phase 1<br /> Security Enhancement<br /> Global healthcare partnerships<br /> Start of Public sales<br /> <br />
Jul - Sep 2022
Launch of Mobile Applications<br /> Launch Of Airdrop -phase 2<br /> Developing Predictive Analytics division<br /> Launch of IEOs/IDO<br /> PR and expanding Digital footprint<br /> Data Lakes and ZK Roll Up Architecture Implementation<br /> Integration with healthcare providers<br /> <br />
Oct - Dec 2022
Real-Time Data visualization<br /> Developing predictive analysis algorithms<br /> Reducing carbon footprint<br /> Launch of Customized Analytic reports<br /> Helping governments and Pharma companies with analytical reports<br /> Modify roadmap according to accomplishments
Chris Douglas
Head Of Partnership
Participates in a number of projects
Alok Agrawal
Cheif Technology Officer
Participates in a number of projects
Gabriel Roszak
Head Of Public Relations
Participates in a number of projects

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