

Lescovex is a platform for the exchange and creation of digital assets. A tool that, through Ethereum's smart contracts technology, simplifies the process of tokenizing any good or digital asset. At the same time, the platform offers an online market where all kinds of digital goods can be exchanged: Cryptocurrencies, Tokens and Commodities, offering the possibility of trading them with the main fiat currencies such as Euro or Dollar.
The main goal of the platform is to simplify the process of creation of tokens and smart contracts to facilitate the adoption of this potential technology in the organization and business of SMEs.

With the aim of creating the largest new generation exchange supported by a solid community, Lescovex will distribute its profits among the entire community that supports the exchange by acquiring the official token of the platform [LCX]. Therefore, investors who have LCX tokens will receive 50% of the commissions of all the trading volume generated in the exchange.

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Website: Visit
Dates: TBA
Country: Spain
Token info
Ticker: LCX
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 5,000,000 LCX (50 %)
ICO Price: 1 LCX = 0.01 ETH
Accepting: ETH
Q1, 2017
Genesis of the Idea.
Q3, 2017
Technical conceptualization.
Q4, 2017
Alpha development of the exchange.
Q1, 2018
Launch of the ICO of LCX.
Q2, 2018
Beta platform development.
Q2, 2018
Creation of various smart contracts models and standards on financial products.
Q3, 2018
Tokens portfolios explorer and digital goods created in the platform.
Q1, 2019
Implementation of consulting services to create financial products.
Screenshots taken on 10 Feb 2018
V. Nos
Participates in a number of projects
Filippo Florian
Key Account Manager
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David Proto
Creative Director
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Manolo Cruzado
Full Stack Dev
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Iñaki Bedoya
Back-End Developer
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Ivan Barrachina
CTO en Chip-Chap
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Pere Andreu
Alternative Payments
No participating data
Santiago Méndez
Hacker Full-Time
No participating data
Anna Almenar
Social Economy Consultant
No participating data
Jose Bahamonde
VFX La Unica Sepia creativa
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Joan Gutiérrez Calvo
Corporate Law Consultant
Participates in a number of projects
Javier Mejías
Financial Products Designer
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Advisors (14)

Patrick Becker
Paymet Expert Advisor
No participating data
Rogelio Nava
IT & IS GRC Consultant
No participating data
Gerardo Guanti
Oficial de Riesgo Tecnologico y Seguridad de Información Metro Bank S.A
No participating data
Pablo Caedes
Cryptocurrency Dev Expert / Dark Wallet
No participating data
Enric Duran
Advisor Social Commitment
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Juanjo Pina
Agorism and Market Activism advisor
No participating data
Carlos Tormo
Merchant Lawyer
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Ramiro García
Special Cases Lawyer
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Lorenzo Moreno
BlockChain Big Data Analyst
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Francesco Simoneti
Altcoin Expert / Flyp.me / HolyTransaction
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Gerard Bel
Klenergy Co-founder
No participating data
Jay Bautista
Asia commodities trading expert
Participates in a number of projects
Carlos Martin
ICO analyst, Crypto Birds CEO
Participates in a number of projects
Jose Felip
Blockchain Developer
Participates in a number of projects
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