The team behind the Lightcash project aims to solve the cryptocurrency volatility problem and become able to unlock all the advantages of blockchain technology by linking a cryptocoin to the real highly-demanded asset. This is why Lightcash’s own cryptocurrency (LCSH) is secured by real gold, mined from deposits in Russia.
“The Lightcash parent company owns a working gold mining facility in the Amur Region of Russia, as well as a plant for the enrichment of precious metals, and it possesses the necessary state licenses,” says Vyacheslav Vokin, Lightcash CEO. “Using this infrastructure we will be able to ensure the stability of our service by issuing own cryptocoin secured by real gold in a 1000:1 ratio.”
LLC "Lapri mining" based, which is engaged in mining of ores and sands of precious metals.<br />
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License for geological survey, mineral exploration and recourse development was obtained.
October 2016 - April 2017
Required equipment imported, geodetic chain was built and extracting gold site was prepared.
May 2017 - October 2017
Within the collected sample first 81 kg of gold were produced.
June 2017
Formed the concept of the project Lightcash Blockchain System.
October 2017
Elaboration of service architecture and preparation of "White Paper" document.
September 2017
Execution of the judicial document. Brand book production.
August 2017
Market problems research and market analysis.
July 2017
API and mobile application B2C development for calculation of the cryptocurrency between companies and their users through QR technology.
November 2017
Web & mobile service development launch.
December 2017
Lightcash OpenAPI platform test. Token protocol development, integration with scoring platforms, setting up self-regulatory token exchange algorithms.
January 2018 - February 2018
Execution of the site for ICO. Testing the Smart contract. General audit of the project.
March 2018
March 5th, 2018 - pre-sale start.<br />
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March 12th, 2018 - ICO start.
June 2018
Completing transaction for the purchase of "Greenfield" and commencement of operations.
May 2018
Release of the service.<br />
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Market launch of its cryptocurrency Lightcash Crypto Gold (LCCT).
April 2018
The start of field operations.
March 2018
The launch of the service beta version.
Screenshots taken on 16 Feb 2018
Alexey Krutko
Participates in a number of projects
Aleksey Pechkin
STO Technical Director
Participates in a number of projects
Alexander Lashkov
Participates in a number of projects
Artem Yakovlev
Team leader
Participates in a number of projects
Mikhail Maksimovich
CMO Head of digital marketing
Participates in a number of projects
Alexey Kholmogorov
Lightcash Co-founder, owner of the gold mining company