Lightstreams has a transaction throughput 4x faster than EOS and supports application state changes that are finalised within 1.5 secs. Lightstreams’ Smart Vault is a compliant decentralised storage solution. Data is accessed on a need-to-know basis and can be erased forever. Control is always in the hands of the data owner, which means it is GDPR & CCPA compliant by default. Lightstreams allows application creators to bear the costs of running their applications instead of the users, enabling freemium usage models (try before you buy). Lightstreams’ governance model supports sustainable decentralisation by serving the people of the network first & foremost.
Spanish development team opens office in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Entity officially incorporated as Quantum Labs S.L.<br />
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July 2018
An early version of the Lightstreams command-line interface is launched, providing basic functionality required for all Lightstreams decentralized applications<br />
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August 2018
Setup of operations team focused on administrative and business development in Düsseldorf, Germany<br />
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September 2018
Development of “fanbase”, a decentralized app using Lightstreams technology. Presented “fanbase” concept in China during a blockchain event. Alpha release of the “Leth” node and CLI with decentralized storage capabilities and access-control lists<br />
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October 2018
Account and wallet management functionality added to the “Leth” CLI. Fanbase technical proof of concept is released. Beta test network (testnet) released, including pre-provisioned web nodes for testing purposes<br />
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November 2018
Development of the ERC20 smart contract for the Photon (PHT) token sale is completed by Kyokan LLC. Security audit successfully performed by Hosho Group, Inc<br />
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January 2019
New documentation website for developers. Development of lightchain, lightstreams’ proof-of-authority (PoA) blockchain solution. New partnership agreements with labels and independent artists for fanbase<br />
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February 2019
Three example decentralized applications running on the Lightstreams network are released. Governance model roadmap for Lightstreams’ network is published. First artists that will launch on fanbase are announced<br />
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March 2019
Lightstreams main network test launch. Lightchain code is open sourced and is released under a GPL license. First shortlist of potential validator node candidates for network launch<br />
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Q2 2019
Lightstreams main net launch. Release alpha version of the lightstreams desktop application to manage signatures, identity, wallet, and explore lightstreams dapps<br />
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Q3 2019
Beta version of Lightstreams desktop. Release lightstreams-js, a javascript library that allows web applications to directly interface with Lightstreams node.<br />
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