LIQIO is an Estonian registered company (LIQIO OÜ 1478949). The company has an address in Estonia and offices in Western Europe. When you purchase LQO tokens, you will receive dividends once a month. 50% of the fees collected by the exchange will be paid to the holder of the LQO token. Community trading: follow the best traders In partnership with Shillerz.
LIQIO launch.<br />
Obtaining Wallet and Exchange licenses in Estonia.<br />
Start of the token sale in December
Q4 2019 - Q2 2020
Development of the IEO platform.<br />
Increasing the capacity of the trading engine.<br />
Development of the community trading platform.
Q2-Q3 2020
Launch of the community trading platform.<br />
Launch of the IEO platform.<br />
Increasing the capacity of the trading engine.<br />
Development of iOS and Android applications.
Q4 2020
Development of a function chosen by the community.<br />
Increasing the capacity of the trading engine.<br />
Launch of iOS and Android applications.